
7 Ways To Improve Your Relationship


 Good relationships don’t just happen. I’ve heard many of my clients state that, “If I have to work at it, then it’s not the right relationship.” This is not a true statement, any more than it’s true that you don’t have to work at good physical health through exercise, eating well, and stress reduction.

I’ve discovered, in the 35 years that I’ve been counseling couples, 7 choices you can make that will not only improve your relationship, but can turn a failing relationship into a successful one.


This is the most important choice you can make to improve your relationship. This means that you learn how to take responsibility for your own feelings and needs. This means that instead of trying to get your partner to make you feel happy and secure, you learn how to do this for yourself through your own thoughts and actions. This means learning to treat yourself with kindness, caring, compassion, and acceptance instead of self-judgment. Self-judgment will always make you feel unhappy and insecure, no matter how wonderfully your partner is treating you.

For example, instead of getting angry at your partner for your feelings of abandonment when he or she is late, preoccupied and not listening to you, not turned on sexually, and so on, you would explore your own feelings of abandonment and discover how you might be abandoning yourself.

When you learn how to take full, 100% responsibility for yourself, then you stop blaming your partner for your upsets. Since blaming one’s partner for one’s own unhappiness is the number one cause of relationship problems, learning how to take loving care of yourself is vital to a good relationship.


Treat others the way you want to be treated. This is the essence of a truly spiritual life. We all yearn to be treated lovingly – with kindness, compassion, understanding, and acceptance. We need to treat ourselves this way, and we need to treat our partner and others this way. Relationships flourish when both people treat each other with kindness. While there are no guarantees, often treating another with kindness brings kindness in return. If your partner is consistently angry, judgmental, uncaring and unkind, then you need to focus on what would be loving to yourself rather than reverting to anger, blame, judgment, withdrawal, resistance, or compliance. Kindness to others does not mean sacrificing yourself. Always remember that taking responsibility for yourself rather than blaming others is the most important thing you can do. If you are consistently kind to yourself and your partner, and your partner is consistently angry, blaming, withdrawn and unavailable, then you either have to accept a distant relationship, or you need to leave the relationship. You cannot make your partner change – you can only change yourself.


When conflict occurs, you always have two choices regarding how to handle the conflict: you can open to learning about yourself and your partner and discover the deeper issues of the conflict, or you can try to win, or at least not lose, through some form of controlling behavior. We’ve all learning many overt and subtle ways of trying to control others into behaving the way we want: anger, blame, judgment, niceness, compliance, caretaking, resistance, withdrawal of love, explaining, teaching, defending, lying, denying, and so on. All the ways we try to control create even more conflict. Remembering to learn instead of control is a vital part of improving your relationship.

For example, most people have two major fears that become activated in relationships: the fear of abandonment – of losing the other - and the fear of engulfment – of losing oneself. When these fears get activated, most people immediately protect themselves against these fears with their controlling behavior. But if you chose to learn about your fears instead of attempt to control your partner, your fear would eventually heal. This is how we grow emotionally and spiritually – by learning instead of controlling.


When people first fall in love, they make time for each other. Then, especially after getting married, they get busy. Relationships need time to thrive. It is vitally important to set aside specific times to be together – to talk, play, make love. Intimacy cannot be maintained without time together.


Positive energy flows between two people when there is an “attitude of gratitude.” Constant complaints creates a heavy, negative energy, which is not fun to be around. Practice being grateful for what you have rather than focusing on what you don’t have. Complaints create stress, while gratitude creates inner peace, so gratitude creates not only emotional and relationship health, but physical health as well.


We all know that “work without play makes Jack a dull boy.” Work without play makes for dull relationships as well. Relationships flourish when people laugh together, play together, and when humor is a part of everyday life. Stop taking everything so seriously and learn to see the funny side of life. Intimacy flourishes when there is lightness of being, not when everything is heavy.


A wonderful way of creating intimacy is to do service projects together. Giving to others fills the heart and creates deep satisfaction in the soul. Doing service moves you out of yourself and your own problems and supports a broader, more spiritual view of life.

If you and your partner agree to these 7 choices, you will be amazed at the improvement in your relationship!

Source: Free Naughty Teen Selfshots

Where to Go on Your First Date


 That is an age-old question. Cave men had it made. They firmly believed in kidnapping and taking their date to a filthy cave out in the middle of nowhere. Those were what was known as the good old days. Now days first date destinations and plans are a little trickier. First let’s cover where NOT to go on a first date.

The old standby of dinner and a movie is a really poor choice for a first date. How will you get to know the lady if you are sitting in a darkened theater with a movie being shown? If you choose the movie, there is probably going to be a lot of frantic car chases and a lot of blood involved. Neither are conducive to creating a memorable evening.

Also, don’t take your date to your parent’s house! She will know right away that you are a mama’s boy and you will never see her again.

Don’t take your date to a sleazy bar with a motel out back. You will scare the poor woman to death. She will jump out of the car and hitchhike back to town believing that she would be safer with a burly truck driver than with you.
Now, some good first date ideas are:

Begin with a simple lunch or coffee date. You want to keep the date casual so suggesting meeting up for lunch or coffee can be a good start. This way, if the date didn’t go so well, you can end the date there but if you enjoy each other company, you have the rest of the day to spend getting to know each other better.

Here are some ideas of where to go if the lunch or coffee date tells you’re there is some good chemistry happening:

If it is the season, an amusement park or a theme park is a good first date idea. It doesn’t matter how old you are, we can all be big kids at heart. There’re so much you can do at amusement parks and theme parks that most likely you will forget about the dating pressure and just have fun.

Most well populated areas have an array of museums covering many different subjects. Visiting one that is dedicated to something that you have in common with the woman is another good first date idea.

Source: Free Naughty Teen Selfshots

13 Types of Girls you should Avoid


 In general, men are looking first for physical attraction at a woman. Many of them consider that if she is beautiful and well dressed, its the perfect partner they are looking for. But they don't know that behind this appearance its hiding something worst.

Maybe this happened to you too. After you began a relationship with her you found out that she is not exactly what you want and what you expect. She hurt you and dumped you when you last expected. Many men are chasing after a woman who lied them and used them. But, in order to stop this, you should know from the beginning which types of girls you should avoid for to not be hurt again.

Desperate girl

-it is the type of the girl who spend all her life laid out, looking for a perfect life, and suddenly she discover that she gets old and she doesn't get married yet because she hasn't met the perfect man for her

-she wants desperately to get married no matter who the guy is or what he does

-she is pressed by the time and is ready to marry with a jerk as long as he has marriage material

-watch out because if you marry one of this, you have to spend  the rest of your life with her

Materialistic girl

-usually is good looking and well dressed

-is looking very well outside but inside it is a bunch of money hungry taker

-she is looking all the time after boys which are staying very well with their wallet

-she expects that a man should finance her entire life just because she is biologically female

-she is very friendly, nice at the beginning but after some time you'll see that no matter how much you give her, she wants more

-she is greed personified

-she is interested only in what she wants and not others feelings

-stay away from this kind of girl because she will dumped you after she spend all your money

Angry girl

-she is the type of the girl which sees life like a battle

-anything   what is happening or is told to her is seen as a insult at her address

-has also a bad opinion about man, sees only the wrong sides of a man

-she is always upset and angry

-usually she likes to take out of context everything  what is said to her and to interpret the words like she wants

-you don't have any future with her, she has a simmering anger at men which can explode at any moment

Insecure girl

-she is very nice and treats men very well

-but she suffers by frustration

-is wracked by anxiety about making the wrong decision

-she has to think twice about what to do, what to wear, where to go, what to eat

-she needs constant reassurance that she's attractive and worries incessantly

Stupid girl

-this type of girl likes to speak a lot but she doesn't say nothing smart

-she likes to say always gossips about the others, but when you want to talk something important with her, she is not able to make conversation

Uptown girl

-she is very rich

-everything she has is better than yours and she wants to make sure that you know it

-she only dates the best of best

-is entirely focused on herself

-she is very selfish, self-indulgent grown up as '' daddy's little girl''

-needs to be constant center of attention no matter what she does or where she goes

Childish girl

-everything in life hurts this kind of girl

-is the type of girl who cries a lot, every innocent comment or criticism will upset her

-avoid this kind of girl because if you are dating one you will have to spend all the time apologizing even if you didn't make any mistake

-avoid also long term relationship with her because she is capable of suicide if you want to leave her and all the blame will be thrown on yourself

Elusive girl

-is the type of girl who is  afraid to start a relationship

-she might be hurt in a past relationship and so subconsciously avoids or sabotages new relationships in the present

-she look interested at the beginning but after a while she runs away

-is the type of girl who likes to send mixed messages so you'll never understand her

Talking girl

-it is a big difference between somebody who is able to make good conversation and have sense of humor , and somebody who always have to make a comment about everything

-it is the type which is very hard to please and always has to say something about everything is happening or speaking around her

Romantic girl

-this lives in her own world, of movies and romance novels

-she is very dreamy, imagining things, expecting Prince Charming to come after her

-she doesn't know how the real world is

-she was grown with the idea that she is a princess

Dragger girl

-this kind of girl will always make you feel bad even there is no reason to feel that

-it is always worrying and she can never be happy, everything around her is a total drag

-even if a wonderful thing happen to you, she will make you feel like it was the worst thing that could happen ever

Controlling girl

-she likes to have the total control in your relationship and on you too

-wants to control  you in everything you do, you wear or eat

-if you try to control her too, she will get angry, cry, scream or use any deceptive female tactic until you give up

Flirting girl

-she flirts with anybody and flaunt her sexuality at every opportunity

-has a big power of attraction

-exist the risk to dump you in any moment if somebody better comes along

With all these types of girls you should avoid, it is now more easy for you to  make a good choice    about  your next girlfriend; but remember that not all the women are the same, maybe there is somewhere a good, carrying woman just for you.

Source: Free Naughty Teen Selfshots

A Friend In Need


 Here’s the scenario: Julie, a hardworking secretary, lent money to her good friend Ray; $1300 to be exact. Ray had just moved to a new town and claimed that he needed two new suits: one for an upcoming wedding and one to wear on job interviews. Ray lived in a beautiful penthouse. He had a degree in Computer Science and was accustomed to the finer things in life – designer labels, frequent travel, and spa week-ends. When Ray told Julie he would repay her and signed a paper promising to do so, Julie didn’t think anything of it.

A couple of weeks later, Ray tried to hit Julie up for more money; this time to furnish his new home. When she told him that she wouldn’t be able to help him out this time, he accused her of being cold and hung up the phone on her. Julie suddenly realized that she was being taken advantage of. Her hurt quickly turned to rage. She wanted to know how someone could be so self-serving and inconsiderate. If Julie had been weak enough to lend Ray another several hundred dollars for furniture, how could he sleep at night knowing that she had expenses of her own to look after?

We as women have an innate desire to nurture whenever possible. Many of us have learned the hard way we must always keep our guard up – spot when we may be being misled or taken advantage of. It is a common belief that a woman who is eager to lend money to a man, suffers from niavity, desperation, or poor self-esteem. But in this case it was a loan not a gift, and a friendship not a romantic relationship.

We all know how risky it is to lend money to a friend of either sex. Some of us decide to give the lendee the benefit of the doubt because we think we know and trust them. Some of us are vigilant enough to take precautions to make the loan legally binding. The bottom line is that we need to stop stereo-typing and pointing fingers at a woman who would lend a man money. We need to take a closer look at the character of anyone who would try to take advantage of a friend’s generosity.

Along with her respect for him, Julie also lost all compassion for Ray and their so-called friendship deteriorated.? The fact of the matter is that no one can respect a man who fails to respect others. When he performs actions that are self-serving and manipulative, his sincerity, his honour, his integrity, are all called into question.

They say,"It's not what we eat but what we digest that makes us strong; not what we gain but what we save that makes us rich; not what we read but what we remember that makes us learned; and not what we profess but what we practice that gives us integrity."

Source: Free Naughty Teen Selfshots

A Beginners Guide To Online Dating - 5 Great Tips!


 Did you know that two out of five single people in the UK now use some kind of on line dating service? That's 40% of all singles! Unfortunately, the percentage of these people who actually find a real romance as a direct result of their site memberships is very low - probably less than 10%.

Why is this? Well, it's true that some sites are better than others; they have more traffic, they are better to navigate; they just 'work' whilst others just don't. But what really matters is how you use a site when you actually sign-up to one. Take my word for it, unless you take the five simple steps that I'm about to outline, you may as well do something more productive with your time than join a singles site. What I'm about to say may sound obvious and rather simplistic, but you'd be surprised at how many people don't bother doing the 'obvious'. So here goes...

1. Create A Great Profile. This is the most important aspect of your dating site experience. Don't just say 'Nice guy seeks nice girl for trips to the cinema' - how boring does that sound? Take the time to say something about yourself, your lifestyle, your interests and the type of person you're hoping to meet. And remember to sound happy, upbeat, fun and confident; if you're miserable about your recent breakup, then keep it to yourself! This isn't the time for modesty; if you think you're pretty darn attractive, then be sure to say so. And humour is a real ice-breaker - if you can make someone laugh, they'll be more likely to want to contact you.

2. Always Upload A Photo. Even if you don't have a very flattering one to hand, you should always post a pic with your profile. Remember, 95% of people on dating sites only search for other members who have bothered to provide a picture of themselves. You want to see what other potential partners look like so it stands to reason that other people will want to know what you look like too. If your photo isn't recent or isn't a great likeness of you, you can always say so in your profile.

3. Be Proactive. Don't just join a site and expect other people to contact you. Make sure you regularly search the database for people with whom you might be compatible and when you find someone you like the look or sound of, write to them immediately and tell them why you think you might be a good fit.

4. Write Great Emails. OK, you've joined a dating site, you've searched for other members who fall within your specified categories, and you've been presented with a page of matching profiles. You're eager to fire off a few emails...but what on earth do you say in them? Re-read the paragraph above about creating a great profile and apply the same rules to the first email that you send to another member. If it looks like you can't be bothered to say much or that you're sending the same one line message to several people, then they probably wont bother to reply. Tell that person a little about who you are and why you think you might both be compatible - respond directly to what you've read in that person's profile - sound interested and interesting and you'll get an email by return - sound boring and downbeat and you'll just be ignored.

5. Check Back With The Site. There are two reasons why you should do this as often as possible. The most obvious one is to keep up to speed with who has joined since you last logged-on; that special someone might have signed-up since you last visited the site so don't miss out. However, what most people don't realise is that when you log-in to a dating site, your profile moves up the listings on the internal search engine which means that you are more likely to be spotted and subsequently contacted by other people. Don't be a stranger to the site you've joined and I recommend that you visit the site at least once a day during the lifetime of your membership.

So there you have it - 5 easy ways to make your chosen dating site work for YOU. Have fun and happy hunting!

Source: Free Naughty Teen Selfshots

360 Degree Feedback – Lay it on the Line


 The most successful businesses make it a regular part of conducting business by asking their customers and suppliers for feedback.  They want to know how they can improve both their products and services.  They want their customers to find it a pleasure to work with them.  They have a goal of ‘delighting’ their customers.  The only way they can do this is by asking for direct input.  The encourage complaints.

You should do this too.  Ask your friends for feedback about you.  Are you boastful?  Are you fun?  Are you shy?  Are you easy to get along with?  This isn’t about finding our flaws or bashing your ego.  This is getting a good look at who you are.  I’ve already discussed taking your inventory to get a better look at yourself.  Now, it’s time to bring in others to help you.

You can do this informally or formally.  You can ask your friends to let you know what your three greatest strengths are and what your three greatest weaknesses are.  You can ask them what they like most about you, or least about you.  You can ask them open-ended questions and let them give you as many or as few attributes as they like.  Ask them if they could change one thing about you, what would it be.

The point here is not to hurt your ego or put you down.  The point is to see how others see you.  You may not even be aware of what you’re doing.  And you can’t change your behavior until you become aware of it first.  Maybe you like what you hear and don’t want to change certain things about you – and that’s fine.  But at least you know.  Maybe you won’t hear any surprises from your friends.  But maybe you will.  And once you become aware of the messages you are sending off, you can decide if those are the messages that will attract the kind of person you want.

I just ran into a co-worker in the break room.  I said, “Why are you scowling?”
She said, “Was I scowling?  I didn’t mean to!”  She wasn’t even aware of how she looked, which makes sense.  I’ve had similar comments made to me.  We can’t see our own expressions, so maybe we’re not projecting how we feel.  There is only one way to find out.  Ask.

This takes some guts.  This is not an easy step.  However, just like the most successful businesses that encourage feedback, it is well worth it.

Source: Free Naughty Teen Selfshots

A Woman's Guide to Writing a Great Profile


 OK…the time has come. You have joined an online dating service or two. Now you must write that all-important profile… the one that will attract attention and reel in the man of your dreams… but where to start? Maybe writing isn’t even something you think you do all that well. Even so, you can do this.

The first thing is to be absolutely honest about yourself. You are looking for that man who will like…maybe someday love…YOU….THE REAL YOU! Examine past relationships and list the things that you liked and the things you did not like. If he smoked in the house and you hated it, you won’t like it any better the next time. If you love cats and will always want to own one or more, say that you are an animal lover and want indoor pets. Someone who hates cats or is allergic to them is not the guy for you.

Accent the things that make you unique. If you play the piano well, you really want Mr. Right to appreciate it. If you run in marathons, a couch potato is not a good match. If you love art, you really don’t want a man who thinks Picasso is an ice cream flavor.

Describe the things that are vital in your life. If volunteering is the one thing that makes you feel useful and worthwhile, you want someone who would, at the very least, support you if not join you in your volunteer projects. When you get beyond superficial things, you will attract men who share your values.

Invest in your online profile by hiring a professional photographer for your first online picture. This is so important. The picture is the FIRST thing men see. The second thing is that they read what you have written about yourself. Some online dating sites even provide you with a list of photographers in your area that specialize in online dating site photos.

Source: Free Naughty Teen Selfshots

10 Simple Rules for Online Dating Success


 In theory, online dating is the ideal way to meet your 'perfect match', yet a surprisingly small percentage of members are actually successful in finding what they seek online. There are, however, some simple guidelines, which if implemented, will greatly increase your chances of success in the online dating arena.

1. Firstly, it is important that you choose the ideal dating website to suit your particular interest. There are now many niche areas in online dating, for example or and you should use the search engines to find a selection of dating websites where you consider you are most likely to find your ideal date.

2. Once you have located websites in the niche area of online dating that suit you most, always visit a handful of them and look for the administrator contact link. Send an email to the admin of each website, asking how many full paying members they have in their database. A well administered dating website should reply to your email within a couple of hours. Admin is all important, and will be 24/7 on a quality dating site.

3. Never join a free dating website if you are serious about finding a mate. 'Free For All' sites are often littered with incomplete profiles, and not taken seriously by their membership. A free trial period is good, but before making your choice of website to join, check out the member facilities. Do they have a chat room, video chat, a forum, instant messenger etc? Be wary of dating sites that do not allow you to search members before joining.

4. One last thing before you decide on your ideal dating site. Many dating sites are being infiltrated by scammers often from Africa, Ghana, Nigeria or Singapore. The IP addresses from these areas can be blocked by dating sites to save genuine members from being hassled. A good dating site will use these blocking tactics, and it's worth asking the question.

5. Once you make your choice and register with a dating website, you need to create a profile. Keep to the truth, but make yourself come across as interesting as possible, and be reasonably accurate in describing the type of partner you seek. Including a photograph will certainly increase your chances of being noticed.

6. When sending emails to other members, always be polite and courteous, especially in the first contact email. First impressions are very important. Always reply to every email you receive from other members, even if it's only to inform them that you are not interested.

7. Never give out your bank account or social security details to anyone. Do not be fooled by requests for money from people you just met no matter how convincing their story is or how beautiful or handsome their photos appear. Be aware that the photos are almost certainly not really them at all but merely photos of models copied from the Internet. The moment you are asked for money, cease all conversations with that member and report the scam to the administrators.

8. Once you open up contact with a member who you think may interest you, take your time in getting to know them well. You now have the opportunity to exchange relevant details about each other, and exchange photographs. However, in the early communications, don't believe all you are told. Trust will come in time.

9. Photographs often display the date on which they were taken, but be aware that some members will use old photographs in an effort to make themselves appear younger than they actually are. If your dating site has video cam facilities, you can get to see each other in real time which is useful in determining your prospective mate's current appearance.

10. If you do decide to meet another member for real, always suggest meeting in a busy area, and keep the first meeting short. Chemistry is something you just cannot measure through the Internet. It wouldn't be much fun spending a weekend with someone who you shared no chemistry with.

So these are just a few simple but important guidelines which hopefully will make your online dating experience a pleasant one. Remember that they are only guidelines and not rules. Everyone is different and you will need to explore together in order to discover the higher ground..

Source: Free Naughty Teen Selfshots

Find Out As Much As You Can From Your Date


Getting to know that special woman is about the time you spend with her, and about what you get from communication, both verbal and physical. And the more you know, the better your chances. Thus if you plan to keep your relationship moving forward, you are going to have to find out as much as you can about her.

After all, the last thing you want to do is to upset her. That's a surefire way to kill your chances for romance. First, make sure you give her a chance not only to speak, but to start conversations as well. There is really no better way to get to know her than through the interaction you'll have with her in conversation. What you learn through all of this communication will serve as a great starting point, from which you can move on to the following suggestions to fill in any blanks in your knowledge of her.

The point of all of this is to get to know as much as you can about your woman as an individual. So many people think that all women or all men like the same things, which simply is not true.

Although there are a good number of things that a lot of women have in common, there are an equal number of things that they don’t have in common, either. The same can be said for men. For example, if a woman were to assume that all men love football then she’d be dead wrong! Likewise, a man would be wrong to assume that all women love cats. Each woman is unique, so you must take the time to find out what she, as a unique person, really wants before you can seduce her.

Ultimately, it all comes back to what you can learn about her for yourself. While it is helpful to get a few tips from her friends, family, and acquaintances, too much of this type of fact-finding will make her feel more like a suspect in an investigation. So it's back to what you can find out for yourself. And the best possible way to do that is to get her in different settings and see what happens.

Source: Free Naughty Teen Selfshots

10 Common Lies Told by Women


 Why are some relationships more honest than others? Why are some couples more truthful with each other while others like to deceive the partner? Nobody deserves to be lied, but there are no doubts that women are telling lies considerably and often. But so men do the same.

If you have trust issues in your relationship, in general, a woman may lie to you. Trust is something that you must build from the beginning of the relationship. Even though, a lot of people say ‘‘white lies'' in order to make others feel better. Some women lie because, as caring creatures they want to spare the feelings of the man they are dating or seeing.

So, here are some common lies told by women that you should know. Someday you might hear them from your partner and it is better to know their real meaning.

1.You're perfect. I love you just the way you are and I wouldn't change a thing about you. Let's be serious; nobody is perfect. At the beginning of a relationship all of them say this because they didn't know you very well but after some time will definitely find something that needs changed. So, if she tells you something like this, don't be too enthusiastic because she finds you perfect just for a couple of days, and after that she will ask you to change.

2.You're right. Every time you are arguing with you're girlfriend usually ends up by telling you that you are right? Maybe this makes you feel proud of you, but you have to know that this is a big lie. She said this just to make you shut up, even if she didn't consider that you're right. She knows that after a while you will see that she was right, and may be waiting for apologize.

3.Nothing is wrong. The most common lie '' I'm fine'' when asked if there is something wrong is the most used by women. You see that she is upset, she is acting strange or doesn't want to talk to you too much and ask her what is the problem she says that everything is fine. They don't want to tell the real truth but they are expecting that men to figure out that something is wrong and those they had a mistake with something.

4.I do love sports honey. Maybe she agrees to stay and watch with you every week at a football game but this doesn't really mean that she like it. She accepts to do this just to show you that she is different from other girls and you have common interest. You may be thinking that you have found the perfect girl for you, because not many of them would like to stay to watch football, but don't be too happy because after a while she might had enough and get angry every time you sit down to watch a game.

5.I like spending time with your friends. At the beginning this is ok, but not too much. Even if   they are good friends of you, she would like to spend more time alone with you and not with your friends. If she didn't tell you already this, she will ask you to keep visits from your buddies at minimum and then she might keep pretending she loves them.

6.Your family is adorable, so I like spending time with your family. The truth? Maybe twice a month. Think about it. Do you really think that she likes to spend time with your family where everybody is criticizing her and watch her every move? She agrees to spend time with your family when is necessary but she doesn't do it with much pleasure even if she is pretending in front of you that she likes them.

7.Your bank account doesn't matter. I hope you didn't believe this. We all know that this is definitely a lie. All women want a guy that is financial stable and independent, a guy that can assure her a future with no financial problems. This doesn't mean that you have to be very rich to have a girlfriend, but you have to have some money.

8.It doesn't bother to me if you look after women or go with your boys at strip-clubs.  This is too good to be truth. Even she says that this is ok, she will definitely be upset that you want to go. They hate to feel second best to a night out with the guys, and accept this in order to make themselves seem less pathetically needy. If you choose to go, she will make you a lot of comments after, so you better think twice before you go.

9.You are very good in bed. If she choose to speak about this topic without you ask her, you don't have to believe all she says. If she starts to compliment you about your sexual experience it doesn't mean that she really believes that. Often a woman who cares about a man tell him all that she knows he wants to hear just to make him feel good about himself. So think about your girlfriend, your relationship, your sexual experience and see if you really deserve compliments on this topic.

10.Don't worry, it happens to everyone. If you just make a mistake, or fail in bed, you might hear this lie from your girlfriend. She doesn't want to show you how upset she is on you but in her mind thinks something else. I wouldn't be too sure that your mistake is forgiven and I would worry in not making too many '' accidents'' like these.

With all these presented, now will be more easy for you to know when your girlfriend is lying. As you see, what a woman says is not what she really thinks.

Source: Free Naughty Teen Selfshots

9 Regrets in Dating


 We all have committed mistakes in our dating lives or our relationships. Some we have lived to regret. Through some research here are the most common regrets of dating people or people in a relationship.

1. Most people regret not settling down with their childhood sweetheart or 1st love at college. They always believe that there will be more fish out there so why settle down? There might be more fish out there but do they actually fit your taste and personality. Compared to that proven fish that you have already established with your childhood sweetheart or 1st college love. Some people who didn’t marry their childhood sweetheart will only think that they have settled for 2nd best only. This will be unfair to the other party, because you will always be thinking about that 1st love.

2. Dating people for the very wrong reasons always result in disasters. There might be some that could pull it off but it could be rare. Some people date for reasons of that person being physically attractive, business reasons, business contracts, sex or even just out of sympathy. We instead should date people who we seem to like because of their great personality or that being a match for us. A friend of mine tried to date a Muslim because she was pretty attractive, eventually things didn’t work out because of cultural differences. If you know that you are entering a dating situation where things will really not work out, don’t waste your time on it. There could be others out there while you’re wasting your time on the wrong person.

3. People always regret not taking the offer of the date when the offer was there. People will always ask the “what if” question. Just imagine all the girls who turned down Bill Gates now. Bottom line give the person a chance, it won’t hurt to have a sip of coffee for only 30 minutes. You might even find out you might click.

4. In our current society most 20 something people will put career ahead of their love life. This is not a bad thing though. But once you hit your 30’s you will seem to lose something within you. You will become less attractive because of aging signs. Our body clocks will eventually catch up on us. Also most good catches will be fewer. Try to balance out your career and social life. Having a love life doesn’t mean you need to get married and sacrifice your career. It might even inspire you to work harder. It’s just how you view the situation.

5. Never date a married person. Dating a married person always guarantees disaster. This relationship will always be about deceit, lies and cheating. The unmarried party will also be led to expect something that could or might never happen; which is being in a serious relationship with the married person. It might also bother your conscience that you are destroying the life of the married couple. This relationship or dating period will never ever work out and be fun. It will always be filled with doubt.

6. Stupid regrets here, people leave the person they love. Don’t know why. If you love the person why leave him or her? Often reasons for a person leaving his or her partner are due to infidelity. If things do eventually go broke it might be too late to go back. I mean if you love the person why be unfaithful? It might be tempting but it’s only a test of your relationship. Bottom-line, be faithful.

7. People also regret not ending a really bad relationship earlier. There might have been a time during the bad relationship that there was someone better who would’ve wanted to be with you. But because you were in that bad relationship you passed out on that other wonderful person. So if you think you’re just not in the right situation have the courage to end it.

8. Don’t be jackass in your relationship. People often regret that they could have been nicer to their partner. It will always haunt you when you treat your partner badly. How could our relationship have ended if I was nicer? Try to be courteous, remembering special dates (no matter how cheesy they are), kind, compromising, getting something special, being spontaneous. Don’t be too late to change, because you might regret it.

9. Don’t be callous when dumping a person. It definitely hurts and karma has a way of finding you.

Source: Free Naughty Teen Selfshots

52 Free Things To Do With Your Partner On Date Night


 One of the things that works to keep relationships alive is spending quality time with each other. In this day of the information age, it is becoming increasingly difficult to carve out the necessary time to nurture our relationships. What with long work hours, helping kids with their homework, transporting them around to their extracurricular activities, getting dinner, cleaning up and going through the bedtime routine, what time is left?

Unless you orchestrate the time for your relationship, other less important things will crowd in and take what precious little time you do have. Pick a night that will be “date night” with your partner and make a game out of being as creative as you can be. Try to see how many things you can do without spending money.

To get you started, I’ve come up with some suggestions to help you for the next year. What follows are 52 ideas for how to spend creative time together without spending money. Feel free to add or modify any of the items on the list to suit your particular relationship and circumstances.


1. Take a drive to look at the Christmas decorations.
2. Play cards---perhaps strip poker.
3. Watch a movie together.
4. Go outside and have a snowball fight.
5. Get some finger paints and create your own body art with each other as your canvass.
6. Go sleigh riding.
7. Go ice skating.
8. Work out or exercise together.
9. Stage your own improvisation show.
10. Sing to each other.
11. Review or create a photo album or scrapbook of your memories together.
12. Play a board game---perhaps chess, Scrabble or Twister.
13. Go to a book store, get coffee and read for hours.


14. Work on a remodeling project together.
15. Plan and complete a yard work project together.
16. Do the spring cleaning together---room by room. When done, reward yourself by making love in the room you’ve cleaned.
17. Put on old clothes and mud wrestle after some drenching rain.
18. Give each other a massage.
19. Play catch---football, baseball, softball or Frisbee.
20. Go to a car dealer and test drive the car of your dreams.
21. Shoot basketball together.
22. Dance together.
23. Take a shower together and wash each other---everywhere.
24. Take a free adult education class together.
25. Go to a mall and have a contest to see which one of you can get the most free samples.
26. Go rollerblading or bike riding.


27. Build a campfire and roast marshmallows.
28. Go swimming or skinny dipping.
29. Give each other a manicure or pedicure.
30. Go somewhere crowded to people watch.
31. Go to a free outdoor event, perhaps a concert.
32. Lie on a blanket outside and watch the clouds or stars.
33. Go on a picnic.
34. Watch a fireworks display.
35. Be creative and engage in sexual role plays. Be anyone you’d like to be for the night who is also exciting for your partner.
36. Sit by the water somewhere.
37. Do a prolonged strip tease for each other.
38. Have a water balloon fight.
39. Sit outside and read poetry to each other.


40. Go for a drive together.
41. Go window shopping.
42. Incorporate food into your love making---chocolate syrup, whipped cream, fondue, strawberries---anything you and your partner enjoy.
43. Call or write to someone you haven’t had contact with in a while.
44. Cook something together.
45. Spend an evening just talking with each other. Talk about the things you have done, plans you have for the future, important people in your lives or current events.
46. Take a bubble bath together.
47. Go to a free movie or museum.
48. Take a drive and find the potential in old houses and their properties.
49. Create an imaginary story together---either orally or in written form.
50. Take turns being each other’s genie in a bottle by fulfilling your partner’s every wish and fantasy.
51. Play in the fallen leaves.
52. Create an exciting scavenger hunt that ends in your bed.

Now you have 52 suggestions for things to do with your partner for every week of the year divided by season. Certainly you don’t have to follow my suggestions. Feel free to add your own or to repeat your favorites as often as you’d like.

The main point is not to see how kinky you can get. The idea is to keep your relationship alive by making time together a priority. It is important that you find things to do as a couple that you can both enjoy. If you have vastly different interests then you can enter this with the spirit of taking turns and each agree to happily participate in the activity chosen by the one whose turn it is that week.

As long as you make a habit of making your relationship a priority and allocating time each week for rejuvenation of the feelings that attracted you in the first place, then you stand a good chance of staying together for the long haul.

Please don’t let insidious boredom enter into your relationship through the back door. This is what frequently happens when we are busy placing other things ahead of our time for each other. You know what I mean---the job, the kids, our friend in crisis, etc. There will always be a competing interest for the time you’ve set aside for each other.

Other than natural disasters, threat of death or major crises, do not allow your time together to be invaded by any outside forces. Make sure to create opportunities for you to do things together without outside influence. With more than 50% of today’s marriages ending in divorce, make this small investment in the longevity of your relationship. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain. What’s stopping you? Start today.

Source: Free Naughty Teen Selfshots

100 Questions to Ask Your Valentine


 Looking to get to know your valentine date better? Running out of things to talk to your sweetie about? First date jitters and don’t know what to talk about? Well, here are 100 questions that can break the ice and get a conversation going. The most important thing is to have fun! You might be surprised by what you learn about the other person. Don’t force anyone to answer a question they don’t want to and don’t pry deeper if they are not willing to talk about a certain subject.

1. What was your best job?
2. What were your worst jobs?
3. Tell me all the places you worked
4. Tell me about your best friend
5. Tell me about your family
6. Tell me about your relatives
7. What was your first car?
8. Favorite movie star?
9. Favorite entertainer?
10. Favorite song?
11. What were your life changing moments?
12. First girlfriend/boyfriend?
13. First kiss?
14. What is the dumbest thing you have ever done?
15. Have you ever been arrested?
16. Political affiliation?
17. Have you voted for someone you wished you hadn’t?
18. Have you used drugs?
19. Do you like to shop?
20. Best way to relax?
21. Favorite thing to do alone?
22. Ever had a one night stand?
23. Do you save money?
24. What hobbies to you spend money on?
25. If you found a $100 what would you do?
26. Do you want children/more children?
27. Are you a good parent?
28. What makes a good parent?
29. Are you romantic?
30. Ever loose a pet?
31. Dog or cat?
32. Pets growing up?
33. Sleep in the nude?
34. Favorite midnight snack?
35. Do you exercise?
36. Did you ever see your parents making love?
37. Peanut butter and what?
38. What is one food you will never give up?
39. What is a food you can live without?
40. Favorite drink?
41. Perfect day?
42. How many cds do you own?
43. How many dvds to you own?
44. Favorite thing to spend money on?
45. What is the weirdest thing about you?
46. What is on your bedside table?
47. Are you cheap or thrifty?
48. Ever been in love with 2 people at the same time?
49. Grades in high school?
50. Favorite teacher?
51. Relatives in jail?
52. Toppings on pizza?
53. Black or white?
54. Glass half full or half empty?
55. Ever been to a food shelf?
56. Ever milked a cow?
57. Ever tipped a cow?
58. Bath or shower?
59. Mountains or the beach?
60. Plane, train or automobile?
61. Favorite all time movie?
62. Worse movie you have ever seen?
63. Best concert you have been to?
64. Beer, wine or coffee?
65. Best vacation?
66. If you could retire tomorrow what would you do?
67. Worse vacation?
68. Three places you would love to visit?
69. Worse boss?
70. If you could do anything what would it be?
71. Super powers you wish you had?
72. Ever had a massage?
73. Ideal romantic dinner?
74. Dumbest purchase you ever made?
75. Where did you find money when you were flat broke?
76. Ever sold blood?
77. What sporting event/concert/entertainment would you buy tickets to regardless of price?
78. Ever hit a jackpot on a slot machine?
79. Ever won the lottery?
80. What would you do with your lottery winnings?
81. Are you a neat freak?
82. Can’t stand being around people who_________?
83. Crowds or small groups?
84. How old do you want to live to?
85. Loose your sight or hearing?
86. Ever had a crush on a member of the same sex?
87. Pet peeves?
88. Most annoying habit?
89. Sexiest parts of a member of the opposite sex?
90. Major turn offs?
91. Tattoos?
93. Piercings?
94. Plastic surgery--would you/have you?
95. Computer geek?
96. Trekee?
97. Play an instrument?
98. Been in a band?
99. Most embarrassing moment?
100. Nude beach yes or no

Source: Free Naughty Teen Selfshots

100% Free Online Dating


 With over 700 online dating sites in the United States alone and new sites cropping up weekly, it can be difficult to choose the right site totally free online dating site for you. The vast choices available can be overwhelming. Totally free online dating site comes a dime a dozen. Choosing a totally free online dating site could sometimes be confusing. Totally free online dating site lets you try the free dating services before making a financial commitment. Totally free online dating lets you try out some of the numerous dating sites in order to know which one offers the best opportunity for you to meet people.

There are innumerable advantages in using totally free online dating site on the Internet. First is the convenience. Totally free online dating site offers the world of dating at your fingertips. The freedom of totally free online dating site is that you can post a profile, browse members of a website and often receive emails at absolutely no cost. Some sites may require you to only pay the free online dating site when you want to write back to someone or initiate first contact. This means you never have to join a totally free online dating site that doesn’t meet your own standards.

Many people use totally free online dating site upon the referral of friend. If some of your friends are successful in their online dating quest, you naturally want to try out the same site to see if lightning can strike twice in the same place. Others have a standard criteria for the free online dating site because they strongly associate themselves with a specific group such as Christian, Asian, gay, vegetarian, swingers – name it and there’s a probably a free online dating site for it.

Totally free online dating should allow you to have total control over the point at which you give out your personal email address or phone number. Find out if the totally free online dating site ever sells your information to telemarketers or allows members to access your personal information. Any breach of your privacy is grounds for choosing a new totally free online dating site. Some totally free online dating sites pose as dating sites but are in reality pornographic sites or are soliciting your personal information for profit. Be sure the totally free online dating site you join is legitimate and is truly in the business of bringing singles together

Source: Free Naughty Teen Selfshots

Online Dating Can Be Tough


 Here’s a little secret that those of the female persuasion keep from us guys:  Women, even very beautiful women, like to be approached by a confident and interesting man.  Are you surprised?  It’s true…and confident and interesting are much more important than looks to ladies of all ages, too. That’s true for internet dating, as well as, dating in your brick and mortar world but we’re talking about internet dating here…so back to the subject at hand.   

Once you have joined an online dating service, you will find that there a lot more men than women and that the men are much more likely to browse profiles and make initial contacts than women.  Yes, it’s a woman’s world…still.  It’s “traditional” for men to make the first move.  It always has been and it always will be. Some things never change. That’s why your profile and picture are so important.

Remember…confident and interesting….and that does not translate to cocky and self-centered. It’s important that your profile lets people know that you have friends you care about and that you are passionately interested in a variety of things…not JUST sports. Another thing about that all-important profile….please don’t start it with, “I’m the guy your mama warned you about”.

You will have just shot yourself in the foot with that line.  Another one to never use is, “I could be the man of your dreams”.  The lady HOPES you are but she will be the judge of that…so don’t insult her intelligence. Remember….exude confidence and interesting and you will find that lady you have been looking for…or she will find you.

Won’t it be nice to have the ladies contacting you instead of you having to do everything?  If you write a great profile that stands out in the crowd, that will happen. 

Source: Free Naughty Teen Selfshots

4 Steps to Help Heal a Broken Heart


 Heartbreak is a pain like any other. It is an emotional pain so bottomless that it can feel like a physical blow. When you have a pain like this one, all you want is for the deep ache to go away. As much as I’d like to advise differently, there is no band aid for a broken heart. Though it sounds cliché, time is the remedy needed for you to truly heal from such a deep, wrenching pain. In time, this pain will go away. Between now and then, however, following a few basic tips might be able to make the difference in how you are feeling.

1.    Cry: You are going to feel like rubbish for the first few weeks. Depending how emotional of a person you are, you may feel like crying for days. Go ahead. A significant change has occurred in your life; a painful change. There is no way to expect that you will feel a little sadness and be able to shut it off with a switch. It’s just not that simple. Allow yourself to grieve for your loss. But not too long! Staying in the past for too long can only hurt you. See rule number 4.
2.    Talk to Someone Close: Use the shoulder of someone who cares about you to get out your feelings. This is a way to purify your soul by letting someone in to share your pain. Let them listen, comfort you, and offer advice. You don’t necessarily have to take that advice, but sharing this comfort can make you feel better. Make sure you only allow yourself to grieve and lean on someone for a time because you need to move forward.
3.    Distract Yourself: Bring friends you care about back into your life. Maybe having the relationship was keeping you from spending time with your parents, or siblings. Maybe you hadn’t talked to your best friend in weeks. Surround yourself with this support network. Getting things that need to be done around the house done is a great way to get lost in a project. Go to the gym. Organize your closet. Get out and take a walk. Distracting yourself is a great stepping stone to moving on with your life. This brings us to rule number 4.
4.    Look toward the Future; Forget the Past: Once you have allowed yourself the indulgence of grieving for a part of your life that is now past, look forward! There is a definite need to be able to start a new chapter in the book of your life. Now that you are past the sadness and anger, it is time for hope and renewal that will help you to move on. Take time out for yourself; get to know yourself as a single individual instead of as part of a couple. Replenish your soul by becoming you again.

Following these sometimes difficult, but necessary steps, you can begin to heal the broken pieces of your heart. You can not only become whole again, you can become whatever you wish to become. This is a chance to start fresh, and once the pain starts to ease, you will see it as such an opportunity.

Source: Free Naughty Teen Selfshots

4 Rules to transform an long distance love on the Internet into an normal relationship


 Let's suppose that you are meeting someone online and that person seem to be the mach of your life, but is living far away from you. Does it worth to spend your time to a long distance relationship with this person? But, what if this person is realy your soulmate?

You may be surprised how much a relationship can grow if you work at it. If you know and aply some simple rules, your relationship can turn out to be one of the most successful and happy relationships that ever existed.

Distance, combined with telephone calls and writing, electronically or through snail-mail, can foster an enviable intimacy which results from learning about another's qualities, values, ways of thinking, sensitivities, dreams, and aspirations. This type of intimacy can make your coming together much more special.
As if relationships weren't complicated enough, having them across a long distance is extremely challenging.  Just read the following ruls and try to keep in mind and aply:

1.The quality of the relationship is more likely to increase if both people develop the  ability to share feelings openly with each other. Do not feel afraid to tell your partner what you really need and want from him or her,  he or she deserves to know the truth and judge whether they can give it to you.
2. Make the relationship a high priority. Avoid canceling reunions or putting off a phone call.
3.  Start to keep in touch daily. If large phone bills are a concern, send e-mail, letters, cards and even faxes. And when you do make contact, don't just stick to love talk, but keep each other informed on the day-to-day aspects of your lives. This way you each stay aware of how the other is thinking, feeling and developing.  Late-night talks and thoughtful letters can convey a lot of what is most important in the long-term: your goals, values and dreams.
4. Be prepared to be flexible. Tell your partner of how much you think about and love him or her will score high points, making them miss you more with the constant urge to see you. But don't be posesive.  Being paranoid and accusing will only grow doubts, insecurity and tension between you and none of those  will help the relationship develope successfully.

If your partner truly  wants to be with you, then they would not want to wait forever to have you next to her or him. As long as you both  trust each other, inform one another of your personal lives, keep in touch,  your relationship can turn out into a happy normal relationship.

Ultimately, a normal relationship is the goal, doesn't it.

Source: Free Naughty Teen Selfshots

Women, Hear These Dating Tips


 For quite some time now or since time immemorial, many women have been embarking on that quest towards the elusive "Mr. Right". But how does one woman know if she is succeeding on the turf of dating or if she is mainly risking her safety?

Here are ways to know whether a woman is making the most out of her dating life without making her safety suffer.

Listen to your heart.

If intuition tells one that she is not striking a string with a certain main, she should follow her gut feel and dump the guy, gently that is. Dating is not about jumping on every person that shows interest. Settling for something less is not that good of an option.

Trust yourself.

This goes with the gut feel advice. If the man seems too good to be true, chances are, he really is not good for you. Don't be misled by saccharine promises. Learn to psychoanalyze a bit. Doing some background check surely won't hurt.

Feel the earth move under your feet. Nope, I'm not making you dance or something like that. What I mean is keep your self grounded. Don't be swept off by the giddy feeling all too suddenly. Taking things in stride will keep you safe from being hurt if the guy or girl is not really what you expected him or her to be. Single dating is not carried out like an overnight success. Be consciously cautious.

Never give in to peer pressure. If your roommates know about your online dating escapade and are telling you to single out somebody that you think doesn't make the cut, you know, your standards, don't be swayed by them. If they want that guy, they can have him, right? Single dating is not supposed to be the decision of the group, apparently.

Being too desperate over a relationship will spoil the fun of single dating life. If you go against that nagging but "healthy" advice of your instinct that you're overdoing your dealings with your boyfriend and you better stop it or else…, it will be your loss, really. For instance, you came to the point that you're relationship is about to end, in short, you're being dumped, but you're still doing too many things to patch things up, that's obviously being desperate. Single dating is just single dating. If you thought of him as the future father of your babies but you're just a fling for him, for Pete's sake, obviously you're not in the same boat. Get out of that relationship, fast!

If all the while you've been aiming for that long-term relationship, here are few fool-proof tips on how to spot who's NOT the man.

1. He's overly unreliable. Promises to call you but he won't.
2. He does not let you in his intimate circle of friends.
3. He never spouts anything about your future together
4. He rushes you into his bed.

With those in mind, and you armored with presence of mind and a cautious but not paranoid attitude, you'll be well set off for the goodies of single dating. Go get him swooning over you!

Source: Free Naughty Teen Selfshots

Your Sexual Past - Does it Bother your Boyfriend?


 The last thing your boyfriend wants to think about is another guy having been with you (whether we're talking about sex or just hooking up). Envisioning some other guy getting down with you can literally drive him crazy.

Have you had a checkered sexual history that's filled with lots of experience? If so, your boyfriend might have trouble dealing with this. But this is something that he must accept.

Don't you dare let someone else throw your past in your face or hold it against you. If it's ancient history (or only a few months ago), let it stay there, and move on.

He must accept you for all that you areIf he's chosen to be with you...he needs to accept you for all that you are.  And that means everything. It doesn't mean he has to like your sexual history, of course, but it means he can't hold it against you. It's completely unfair for him to want to date you and then start knit-picking about details from your past.

If he's constantly bringing up your pastTell him flat out that he's going to have to accept everything about you if he wants to date you. Let him know he has two choices:

a) You two break up

b) You two stay together...but he can never mention your sexual past ever again. Never. Not even when you two are fighting.

Learn from your mistakes and move onThe few moments of pleasure that come from sex and hooking up can have a permanent effect on you reputation and self-esteem. If you've chosen to change your "free loving" ways, you're doing the right thing and that's what matters most.  On the other hand, if you’ve only had a few hookup and your man is making a major issue about it, you might want to rethink whether you really need to date such a puritanical person.

Source: Free Naughty Teen Selfshots

5 Secret Ways to Show Your Love to Your Partner


 There are many ways to express love to your partner other than quoting the actual words "I Love You." Usually the fire in relationships dies down after a while and the feeling of your heart pounding with the excitement of being with your significant other is not felt nearly as often, or even at all.

So, how do we get back that love, passion and warm feeling that wraps around us and penetrate our thoughts in the beginning of a relationship?

Many say actions speak louder than words so below I have listed 5 secrets of seduction to help you show your partner how much you truly love them:

1. Flirt

This is a light-hearted seduction with the intent of conveying love! Why not send a sexy text message or email while you are at work? This reminds the other person that you are thinking about him or her. It also increases the intensity of love so that you actually look forward to seeing each other when you return home from work.

2. Candles

According to Feng Shui, the seduction candle is red and the ingredients are musk, patchouli, pine, cedar and juniper. This secret of seduction can put back the romance in your relationships. Why not fill your room with scented candles and turn off the lights just to relax in each others arms? The extra effort goes a very long way!

3. Food

It is said that "the way to a man's heart is through his stomach," however this is also thought to be the secret of successful seduction of women too. Show your love by setting up a surprise dinner for two. Add flowers, soft music and incense to create a seductive love nest. Aphrodisiac foods such as oysters, chili, chocolate, figs, honey and walnuts are said to aid in the stimulation of your loved ones hormones.

4. Love Letters and Poems

Why not leave a love note for your loved one? This can be posted in the bathroom or kitchen before you leave to work. You could also leave a nice love poem under the pillow so that your partner finds this at night before bedtime or first thing in the morning. Or send a hand written love letter to their work address. This will stir up the feeling of love in the privacy of your bedroom as well as in your relationship. Inspiration can be taken from music or love poem books.

5. Get Away

There can be a lot of distractions in your relationship such as work or children. There are many short vacations available for the weekend or just for a day. You may arrange a trip to the Health Spa or a Hotel so that you are in a different environment than usual where you can both relax and concentrate on each other.

Using the five techniques above to show your significant other just how much you truly love them will certainly spice up your love life, strengthen your relationship, and keep you and your partner happy for years to come!

Source: Free Naughty Teen Selfshots

5 Great Tips On How To Get Girls


 Among the many emotions that man was destined to experience, it seems that love is the best emotions ever created.

No wonder why many people are wishing to find their own true love to be happy and live a life that is full of contentment and satisfactions in spite of the many trials that life has to offer.

According to some surveys, most of the people would want to marry some day, that is why each of them are willing to go out on dates. In the U.S. alone, nearly 53% said that they have dated more than one person at the same time.

However, the concept boils down to the fact that even if dating seems to be the ideal ways to start develop a great relationship founded on true love, still it cannot be directly concluded that the activity is relatively easy.

Take for example the idea of getting a girl. Many boys are having a hard time finding the best strategy to get girls. This is because many boys also have their own fears, especially the fear of rejection.

So for those who want to know how to get a girl and ask her on a date, here are five ways that will surely make you get one and have fun:

1. Create a dazzling personality

According to some statistical reports, almost 30% of the adult population in the U.S. who are engaged into dating activities stated that the most important attribute that they are looking for in a guy is the personality. That is why most girls insist that the looks are not that important, what matters most is the personality of the person.

So if you really want to succeed in getting a girl, try to create an impression first that you have the best personality in the world. This can be projected through your sense of humor, confidence, and the way you carry the conversation with wit.

2. Be cool

The key to getting a girl should not project an air of desperation. Even if you have not dated a girl yet, try to be cool and create an impression that you want to get the girl because you like her and not because you are in desperate need of a partner.

3. Be ready for rejections

The problem with most people, especially guys, is that they have too high expectations when it comes to dating and relationships. In fact, almost 62% of those who are into dating have asserted that the people’s probabilities and expectations are very high these days.

Hence, it is a must that people must learn how to face rejections, especially men, so that getting girls would be easier. Keep in mind that girls can still say no even if you have the best car, good looks, and dazzling personality.

If in case you were not able to get the girl that you want, try to reflect what might have been the cause why she had rejected you. Also, there are still other girls out there that you can turn to, so do not be despaired

4. Consider the “No” of the girl

There are many cases wherein a girl might say “no” for two possible reasons: one is that she does not like you, and the second reason is that she wants to go out with you but not tonight. These are two different situations that must be clearly understood.

The problem with some guys is that they take it personally whenever they receive some forms of rejections. So it is better to analyze the situation and the intention of the girl by saying “NO.”

5. Be casual

The best way to get a girl is to make her feel that the date would be very casual and would not necessarily involve a conventional date or anything that would imply romantic involvement.

What matters most is for the girl to enjoy her time with you such that if both of you stand a chance of having a good relationship in the future, the memory of your first date should have been vested on good recall.

The bottom line is that guys should never make the girls feel pressured in saying “yes” every time they are being asked to go out. What matters most in getting a girl is to make it sure that the person concerned will be comfortable and would feel that she will be in good hands.

Source: Free Naughty Teen Selfshots

How to be Sensitive with Women


 If you are hoping to be successful in the world of seduction, you're going to have to know how to be sensitive. When a woman looks at a man, from her unique perspective, one of the key things she sees is how sensitive you are. It can truly be a pass or fail characteristic. If the lady in your life doesn't see a sensitive side, she's going to be put off. Personality counts for so much, especially if you're hoping to go further with a relationship.

To begin with, it's important to understand just what sensitivity is. Sensitivity, or being sensitive, is just one of those things that's gotten such a bad rap as to make it virtually a taboo. But false impressions are to blame for that, and we can dismiss such misconceptions here so we can get on with the business of becoming a more sensitive man. But what sensitivity really is, in truth, is responsiveness to things around you. It's a general sense of what's going on.

Unfortunately, you may be thinking you've already got it pegged. But don't think it's just a matter of self-awareness and a general idea of the world around you. The sensitivity women want in a man goes a bit further. Or, put more directly, women are looking for a specific kind of sensitivity in men.

Here's an example you're sure to remember from some movie you once saw: a young couple are walking along a street at night, and the temperature is dropping. Conveniently, she had forgotten to bring a coat, but he had remembered to bring his. He notices her shivering, and quickly offers his coat to her, despite his own need for the coat.

Okay, that's a basic example. But what matters is that the guy was aware of his girlfriend's need, and he did something about it. Moreover, he made a sacrifice for her. This is a big deal. When a man can be more concerned about the welfare of someone else than himself, he's got a chance to impress the ladies.

Source: Free Naughty Teen Selfshots

5 Irresistible Ways To Make Women Fall For You


 "I don't get it!..."

"I've a nice car. I'm accomplished. My A-List CV make the next guy look funky. I even wear the latest Armani! Why doesn't she flip for me? Why am I always alone??"


How many times did you pound the dashboard of your Corvette bewailing this persistent question?

The avenue to Romance is littered with roadkill hearts and unrequited love.If you think you're unique in your loneliness, think again. There is enough dashboard pounding out there to start a global orchestra of dire distress.

But don't despair. Before you spin out of control, deploy the airbags fast. These strategic maneuvers should cruise you back on track:

1) Dress to Kill - all the time: No I don't intend that you wear $5000 suits to the grocers or the Rolex to walk the dog. What I want you to do is is to dress decently each time you hit the streets. Dab on some cologne. Be neatly shaven. Gentlemen, women are everywhere. If you dress with flash only at the bar or the party, you're missing out on 95% of eligible women. Some of the best relationships were forged during chance encounters at the bus stop.

2) Bedroom Eyes - When exploring new relationships with that sexy stranger, intensify the eye contact. Lock deep into her pupils. Let the rest of the world disappear even as a horde of supermodels troop by. You will naturally thrill her with the attention as she experiences the tendrils of growing attraction. Ethnologists have a term for it, the copulatory gaze. Get your eyes even sexier by enlargening your pupils; Dr. Hess concluded that dilated pupils are far far more attractive to women. How does one get the pupils popping? Simply gaze at the most alluring parts of a woman's face and fill your mind with loving caring thoughts. Your pupils naturally grow, endowing you with irresistible eyes.

3) Visual Caress - Get your eyes to do some facial travelling as you chat. Linger a bit on the nose, traipse across those lashes and rest upon the lips. Drink in her facial features as though you were admiring the Mona Lisa. She will delight in the attention!

4) Easter Eggs - Stumped at having nothing to say? Listen carefully for easter eggs as you talk. These are unusual words or phrases that she utters. Ask her to expound on it. Say "What's the story behind that?" or "How do you feel about that?". Women love to be probed for their opinions and their feelings.Gently bring out her emotions with sensitive open-ended questions.

5) Keep it Adrenaline Charged - Men talk facts: stock figures, bill payments, and boring engine specs. Women are different. They delight in FEELINGS TALK: how the new dress takes them to 7th heaven, how that special meal got them all giddy with ecstasy, how their shopping expedition drains their deepest problems away. Leverage this by steering away from facts talk. Pick out emotionally charged subjects and ask her how she especially relates to them. You'll be her new confidant!

I know what you're thinking. It's all common sense! That's true, but ask yourself this: how many of you actually practice this? Be honest.

Get out there and be the man women loves. Use your common sense!

Source: Free Naughty Teen Selfshots

4 Questions to Ask Before You Say "I Do"


"How do you know when you've met the right one?”
Almost everyone asks this question at some point in their lives; unfortunately, there are not too many who get a concrete answer.  But if you're reading this article, then you're one of the lucky few.

Interestingly, the criteria for choosing a spouse can be reduced to just four key characteristics.  If you can find somebody with all four then it's highly likely that you've found your life partner.

1) What is This Person's Core Values?
Before you decide to marry someone, make sure that they are fully committed to some kind of objective moral and ethical standard.  Whether we realize it or not, everyone has some kind of core value that is central to their personality.  And when push comes to shove, that value is going to be the most important thing in the world to that person.

For example: Jerry's core value is adventure.  When Jerry starts to date Diana, he happens to be volunteering at the local Emergency Room.  He goes there every night, holds people's hands, calms them down.  And Diana is thinking to herself that Jerry must have a heart of gold if this is how he's spending his spare time.  Now, Jerry might really have a heart of gold.  But he's volunteering because of his love for adventure.  The ER is filled with action, it's exciting.  So right now, Jerry's adventurousness happens to be expressing itself in a kind way.  But that could change.  Jerry might stop volunteering, and start trying other adventures that Diana may find unpleasant, dangerous, or even unethical.

However, if Jerry's core value is a commitment to goodness and caring, then everything he does will rotate around that, including his marriage.  And Diana will be a very lucky woman if she marries him.

So how do you get to know the true Jerry?  Surprisingly, it's not that difficult.  No matter what a person's core value is, you will see him or her sacrificing for it on a daily basis.  If Jerry's core value is adventure, then he might risk an accident in order to speed through an intersection or arrive late at work because he followed a police chase.  If Diana follows him carefully, she'll see that he places adventure above other important things on his list of priorities.  But if Jerry's core value is goodness, then Diana will see him give up on certain things in order to be kind.  If the waiter mixes up his order, he'll say thank you and eat the dish anyway.  He'll let the other guy cross the intersection first, or he might be late to work because he drove a little old lady home with her groceries.  If Diana follows him carefully, then she'll see him let go of some of his own desires in order to take care of other people. 

So look for someone who is committed at the core to a higher set of values that you can appreciate.

2) Does This Person Treat Others Well?
Number two is obvious:  You want to marry someone who is going to take care of you and treat you well.  How to figure it out? Simple.  Spend time with this person, and pay attention to how they treat others whom they don't necessarily care about because they're not trying to charm them.  Do they thank the attendant who pumped gas for them?  Are they courteous to people at checkout counters? Do they curse out people who don't deliver on time, like telephone operators or overworked waitresses?  Do they tend to drive aggressively, as if there's no one else on the road?  

Ask yourself questions like these and take note of the answers - because they reflect characteristics that will come out down the line.  Most people don't guard themselves so carefully that they'll hide how they treat others.  So watch them, and you'll know how they're going to treat you after you're married.

3) Do We Communicate Well With Each Other?
In other words, make sure that you understand each other.  This may seem obvious, but it's not. 
Sometimes you can see a couple in a fight and they argue for an hour, two hours, maybe even overnight.  And then, at the end of round 16, it turns out that the whole thing was just a misunderstanding:  “Oh, I thought you meant that…That's not what you meant?  Oh, then we agree.” 

Although on an occasional basis this can happen to anyone, if it's happening constantly then it's not a good sign because that may not change.  If you're constantly misunderstanding each other, then you might want to put this relationship on hold for a while.

4) Are We Physically Attracted to Each Other?
Physical attraction is an essential part of marriage.  You cannot marry someone if you aren't physically attracted to them.  And while men arrive at this conclusion somewhat quickly, women should give themselves some more time.  Very often, a woman may not feel attracted to a man initially, but after she gets to know him she finds him much more attractive than before.
A word of caution:  Although physical attraction is essential, you can't base a marriage on physicality.  Whatever is going on physically is meant to be an expression of something deep that is happening on the emotional and spiritual level.  The rule is - make sure that physical attraction is there, but don't get swept away by it.  The other three characteristics are just as important, if not more so.

So there you have it.  The next time you date someone, put what you've learned here into practice.  It'll save you a lot of time and heartache, and you might find yourself walking down the aisle faster than you think.

Source: Free Naughty Teen Selfshots

4 Blocks to Building a Lifelong Relationship with Your Daughter


 As with every generation, mothers and daughters share a special bond.  Though one is not quite a woman and one, in many ways, is still no longer a girl – they each bear the qualities of each other.  Little girls want to grow up fast, and dear sweet moms want to regain their youth.  Mothers also know how important it is to be a good role model for their daughters.

So, with only the best of intentions, moms and daughters travel their journeys through life.  It is every mother’s hope that their daughter grow to be strong, independent, caring, and giving.  A mother’s dream is to enjoy the fruits of her labor (no pun intended) …to know that her daughter is happy, confident, and kind to all.  There are many detours and roadblocks along the way, but you can overcome them using these four building blocks to obtain and maintain a relationship with your daughter that will last a lifetime!  Because of your efforts in developing this relationship now, not only will you enjoy a close unique friendship with your daughter, you will also pass on to her the wonderful gift of future strong relationships with her own children.  Really, what can be more important and rewarding than that?  Not much, it ranks right up there at the top!

Life is based on building blocks.  Relationships, too, are based on the same.  Given the tools, you can build yours strong…strong to last the bumps in the road and the trials of life.  A strong foundation provides the anchors to weather any storm.  It’s never too late to begin.  With each new day comes renewal, forgiveness, and a positive step towards building once again.

BLOCK #1…TRUST.  Without trust, any relationship doesn’t stand a chance!  Trust often is confused as a “given”.  A God given right!  As a loving mother, your daughter has grown to trust YOU.  She knows you will pick her up when you say you will.  She knows that she is cared for and provided for by YOU.  Your daughter also knows your love is unconditional and that regardless of her doings, you’ll be there.  She might get yelled at, but she TRUSTS you above all.  Realize that YOU have earned her trust through word, credibility, and actions.

How about her perception of earning trust?  Each young lady must understand that TRUST is earned.  The same way YOU earned her trust in YOU!  Ask yourself:  Why is it that sometimes we feel the need to accredit our children with attributes that should be earned?  Our daughters need to understand that trust is patient.  The small steps/small rewards process is a journey to gaining their independence.  They need to take responsibility for earning the trust, and guarding it dearly, as one of the most valuable aspects of your shared relationship.  When you, as her mother, make this important, it becomes important.

There are five steps to establishing trust between a mother and a daughter.  Each important and well guarded.  They include:  HONESTY; AWARENESS; FOLLOW UP; CONSEQUENCE; and finally, PRIVILEGE.  Knowing each of them and how to apply these steps to a working relationship is key in maintaining a loving relationship.

BLOCK #2…COMMUNICATION.  Funny when our children are born, we seem so in tuned to their needs.  We know the difference between a hungry cry and a mad cry.  We can sense the slight mood change and worry for hours that there is a cold coming on.  As our little girls grow, we teach them to talk.  We repeat sounds and clap for joy when they say “ball” and “Mama”.  We are elated to know that our little girls are on their way.  We pay close attention to all of their needs and kiss them softly and quietly goodnight.

Just because we teach language, an ensemble of “sounds” does not mean we teach communication.  Communication as defined by Webster is: an act of transmitting OR an exchange of information or opinions.  Think about this, “an act of transmitting” which can mean giving orders, commands, and/or instructions.  This of course is necessary at times.  It means we mean what we say – and do it!  No questions, no discussion.  This form of communication is certainly acceptable and appropriate at times. Taking the other side of the definition, “an exchange of information” we understand this to be a form of exploring another’s opinion, thoughts, and logic.  This too is very important.  As a matter of fact, this is the foundation of effective communication involving two people.

When does it start?  As our girls learn their words at the age of 2, they also begin to learn communication skills.  These skills are mostly taught by our physical reactions and not our verbal capabilities.

Physical reactions involve the delivery of our words, the tone of our voices, and the actions of our body.  It is not about getting through – it’s about logical reasoning and openness to understanding another human being.  Since your daughter has already achieved a level of trust in you, she will embrace your skills of communication if delivered in a manner that support her best interests without threatening her own desires.  YOU, as the parent, are in control at all times.  YOU just need the tools to help educate your daughter on the ways of the world.  With these tools and exercises, you are able to begin to lay the strong foundation of open-minded, free exchange of information without losing your position of authority.  Remember communication can be a “two way street” or a single command.  Your choice, your control.

BLOCK #3…EFFECTIVE LISTENING.  Now that we have defined communication, I urge you…don’t spend too much time talking.  Teach by actions as well! How?  It’s easy…(once you understand how). Spend a lot of time listening!!!  Effective listening provides an avenue showing insight into your daughter’s life.  There is so much you can learn by listening and observing.  Listening not only involves what your daughter says, it involves what others say too.  This includes her friends, teachers, enemies and anyone she has contact with.  I’m not suggesting you spy or have “reports back”.  Just listen – you’ll learn more than you can imagine.  Listening is a skill.  Creating environments of opportunity is what you want to do.  For example…Car pools are painful to be sure, but when you pick up a bunch of her friends, keep the music to a soft level -  don’t talk – just listen!  The girls will be open with their chatter and you’ll be able to interpret not only the quality of her friendships, but the collective views of the group.  This can be very valuable in future conversations you may have with your daughter.  It’s also a great way to get to know her friends!  Subtle suggestions from your side will have a better impact if you are more informed...remember what you learned regarding communication…Since your daughter has already achieved a level of trust in you, she will embrace your skills of communication if delivered in a manner that support her best interests without threatening her own desires.  YOU, as the parent, are in control at all times.

BLOCK #4…LETTING GO.  Letting go is the ongoing process we all deal with.  When, how, just enough, not too much.  Knowing when to allow your daughter to find her way and knowing when to hold her hand and guide her.  There will be times when your heart breaks for her, when you want to  take her pain, her place, her path – but the same lessons we’ve learned, so too shall they. We realize we can’t (and should not) always shield her from everything.  If you think about it, looking back on our own life – some of the most painful situations taught us the most powerful life lessons.  Whether that was empathy and compassion for others, or our ability to forgive and move on; whatever crisis we face we have a choice – We can choose to be “bitter or better”.  It’s a choice.  In being there for your daughter, while letting go you provide the strength she’ll need to stand on her own.  Through pain we grow and through growth we become whole.  Sometimes there are no words, sometimes silence and solidarity speak louder than any great speech.  If you have built upon the three previous blocks, letting go will be a natural process of love.  There is no fear where love dwells. Your goal is accomplished – you have the strong foundation for a lifelong, healthy relationship with your daughter.

Being there involves just that…being there as a friend, a parent, a role model, a mother.  Learning today how to build and enjoy a mother/daughter relationship is the best gift you will ever give to both yourself and your daughter.  This is a gift that can be passed down from generation to generation, building stronger and deeper each time.

Learning about enriching your relationship with your daughter is one of the most valuable educations you will ever do for yourself.  The building blocks can show you the way.  From beautiful baby girl in your arms, through the turbulent teens, the age of independence and self discovery, to watching her gain total confident independence.  Your reward is knowing that your job of parenting has now become your fruit of friendship.

Source: Free Naughty Teen Selfshots

Mr. Perfect Does Not Exist!


 The sooner you realize this sad but true fact, the sooner you can get on with finding Mr. Close-Enough-To-Perfect. Prince Charming, riding on a white stallion, lost his way or found Princess Charming and got married on his way to your castle. Get over it and get on with it. You ARE going to have to actively seek the man of your dreams and you won’t find him hiding under your bed. You already know that he isn’t among the men that you are acquainted with so, now what? Online dating is “what”.

It’s true that online dating, while in its infancy, was only made up of perverts, sexual predators, nerds and weirdoes but that is no longer true. It has become the main tool of the single person in every developed country in the world. Forty million people can’t all be wrong. Ask your girl friends if they have ever used online dating or are using it now. If they are honest with you, most of them have or are now members of at least one online dating site and maybe more than one. It really is the way to go to meet eligible men who want to meet you. It doesn’t matter what any of your numbers are…like age, height, weight or income either. Somewhere out there in the big wide world there is a man who will like you…..then love you….and think that you are beautiful and desirable. “Beauty is in the eye of the beholder” is true. What is considered beautiful in one part of the world is completely different from what is considered beautiful in another part of the world. It’s even different from one part of this country to another.

Find an online dating site that fits your needs. Write a great profile and post a flattering picture. Start contacting eligible men on the site. Mr. Close-enough-to-perfect could be a few mouse clicks away.

Source: Free Naughty Teen Selfshots

5 Tips for getting Dozens of Dates Online


 Are you tired of not getting any dates?  The club and bar scene has dried up and isn’t the best place to meet women.  People have the tendency to lie and drink too much in clubs.  Make no mistake about it, right now online dating is where the dating world is.  Meeting dates online have a lot of benefits.

•    It’s easy practice, even if you are shy

•    Instead of being judged by your looks, you will judged by your profile and personality

•    If you meet someone who is annoying, you can just log off

•    You can check up to 200 profiles in a half hour, all possibilities

•    It’s a lot easier to get to know people when you can’t see them

Don’t worry, the online dating scene isn’t just for losers and middle aged men anymore.  In fact, recent reports have shown that the major dating sites are approximately 60-70% women.  <a href="">Click here</a>

So is it possible to meet an attractive mate online? Absolutely but you have to follow the right steps or you will just end up wasting your money on web.  Here are some tips to land yourself a date tonight.

1.    Pick the right website – To pay for a site or not?  There are a lot of great free websites out there like Plenty Of Fish and Just Say Hi.  The fact of the matter is, most pay websites will usually yield better results though.

2.    Write an effective personal ad – No matter how you look, how old you are, or how much hair you have, THE most important part of online dating is your personal ad.  If you can make a profile that is attractive you will have no problems meeting new people in no time.  An effective profile will multiply the response you get.  Keep it light and funny.  Don’t be negative or mention how desperate you are.

3.    Give compliments sparingly – One thing that will turn people off quicker than anything else is if they feel that you are not being honest with them.  If you give too many compliments, too quickly people will think that you have an ulterior motive.  Don’t make that mistake!

4.    Don’t rush to meet up – The great part about meeting people online is that you have the opportunity to get to know them before you meet them.  The reality is that this is a dangerous world and while it isn’t likely that you will meeting a psycho, it is always a possibility.  Take your time and get to know you new love interest before you met them, it will also make you look less desperate.

5.    Don’t Send too many messages – If you send too many messages too soon you will come off as needy.  No one wants someone who is too needy.  When chatting online, you have the opportunity to take your time and think out your messages.

Good luck with all your new dates.

Source: Free Naughty Teen Selfshots